Top Tips for Acing the 11 plus Exam!


Top Tips for Acing the 11 Plus Exam

The journey to acing the 11+ exam can be as thrilling as it is daunting. With the right strategies, resources, and a pinch of determination, you can transform this challenge into a memorable accomplishment. Whether you’re a student burning the midnight oil or a parent providing invaluable support, these five top tips will set you on a path to 11+ success.

1. Understand the Exam Structure and Content:

Deep Dive into the Details:

Begin by acquainting yourself with the specifics of the 11+ exam. Although the core subjects remain consistent – English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning, and Non-Verbal Reasoning – the format, style, and difficulty can vary depending on the region and the specific school.

Practice Papers:

Invest in a set of practice papers for your particular exam board. Not only do they familiarise you with the types of questions asked, but they also offer invaluable insights into time management. Simulate real exam conditions at home by taking timed tests. This will reduce exam-day anxiety and give you a clear understanding of your strengths and areas for improvement.

2. Establish a Study Schedule:

Consistency is Key:

It’s not about studying long; it’s about studying smart. Establish a consistent routine to prepare for 11 plus. For instance, dedicating specific days to particular subjects can create a rhythm and reduce the chances of burnout.

Breaks and Rewards:

Allow breaks during study sessions. The Pomodoro Technique, where you study for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break, can be incredibly effective. Also, reward yourself when you hit study milestones. This could be anything from a treat, an extra playtime session, or a movie night.

3. Leverage Technology:

Interactive Learning:

In our digital age, there are myriad online resources available for 11+ preparation. Websites offer interactive quizzes, practice tests, and forums where students discuss challenging problems. Tools like Quizlet can also
help in mastering vocabulary and essential concepts.

Explainer Videos:

Platforms like YouTube have a plethora of channels dedicated to 11+
content. These videos can offer different perspectives on tricky topics,
making learning more engaging and fun.

4. Focus on Strengthening Core Skills:

Reading Habit:
For English and Verbal Reasoning, cultivating a daily reading habit can be
a game-changer. Dive into a mix of fiction and non-fiction to improve
comprehension skills and vocabulary. Discussing books with friends or
family can also enhance understanding and analytical skills.

Maths in Daily Life:

Incorporate maths into daily activities. Whether it’s calculating the grocery
bill, measuring ingredients for a recipe, or planning a day out based on
time – real-life applications of maths can significantly bolster numerical

Critical Thinking Activities:

Puzzles, logic games, and brainteasers can work wonders for both Verbal
and Non-Verbal Reasoning. They train your brain to think critically,
recognise patterns, and solve problems creatively.

5. Stay Positive and Take Care of Yourself:

Mental Well-being:

It’s essential to maintain a positive mindset throughout the preparation
phase of 11 plus. Believe in your capabilities, and don’t hesitate to ask for help if
certain topics are proving challenging.

Physical Health:

Incorporate some form of physical activity into your routine. Whether it’s a
sport, yoga, or simple stretches, it can help relax your mind, improve
concentration, and reduce stress.

Balanced Diet:

What you eat plays a significant role in how you feel and perform. Focus
on a balanced diet rich in brain-boosting foods like fish, nuts, seeds, and
plenty of fruits and veggies. Stay hydrated, and don’t skip meals,
especially breakfast.

Night-time Rituals:

A good night’s sleep is non-negotiable. Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep,
especially the night before the exam. Create a calming bedtime ritual, like
reading or listening to soft music, to ensure uninterrupted sleep.


Acing the 11+ exam is not just about rote learning; it’s about
understanding, application, and the right strategy. By implementing these
tips, you’re not just preparing for an exam but also cultivating habits that
will benefit you throughout your academic journey and beyond. Embrace
the challenge, believe in yourself, and remember: every ounce of effort
you put in now will pave the way for a brighter academic future.




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