The Ultimate 11+ Exam Preparation Guide: Everything You Need to Know!

The preparation guide to 11+

The journey to securing a seat in a grammar school or independent secondary school starts long before the day of the 11+ exam. Preparation, perseverance, and the right strategies are crucial to giving your child the best chance of success. In this ultimate guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to ensure your child is as prepared as possible for the big day.


1. Understanding the Basics of the 11+ Exam:

The 11+ is an entrance exam primarily for grammar schools in England, taken by students in Year 6. The exam tests core subjects such as Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning, and Non-Verbal Reasoning. It’s crucial to understand the specific format and subjects your chosen schools will test, as there can be variations.

2. Crafting a Study Schedule:

Starting early is the key. Around 12-18 months before the exam, chart out a flexible study schedule. Dedicate specific times each day for 11+ preparation, mixing different subjects to maintain interest and engagement. Remember, consistency over time yields the best results.

3. Using a Mix of Study Materials:

There’s a plethora of 11+ materials available, from textbooks and revision guides to online resources. Consider incorporating a mix to keep studies diverse and interesting:

  • Textbooks and Guides: These provide structured lessons and practice tests. They’re perfect for building foundational knowledge.
  • Online Platforms: Websites and apps offer interactive quizzes, mock tests, and timed challenges, making learning fun and dynamic.
  • Tutoring: If you feel your child needs extra support or focused attention, consider hiring a tutor specialised in 11+ preparation.


4. Mastering Time Management:

One challenge many students face is answering all questions within the allocated time. Regularly practicing with timed tests can help students get familiar with the pacing they need to maintain.

5. Holistic Development:

While academic preparation is paramount, holistic development is also essential. Encourage activities that boost critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. Games like chess, Sudoku, or even certain video games can sharpen these skills.

6. Mock Tests: The Secret Weapon:

Monthly mock tests can give insights into a student’s performance trajectory. They highlight strengths, reveal areas that need improvement, and provide a realistic feel of the exam environment. As the exam approaches, increase the frequency of these tests.

7. Keeping Stress at Bay:

The preparation period can be taxing. Ensure that your child maintains a balance between study and relaxation. Regular breaks, outdoor activities, and hobbies can act as effective stress busters. Remember, a well-rested mind is more efficient.

8. Night Before the Exam:

Contrary to what many believe, cramming the night before isn’t beneficial. Instead, keep this evening light. Maybe review some key points or take a light practice test, but also ensure there’s time to relax. A good night’s sleep is more beneficial than last-minute studying.

9. Day of the Exam:

Ensure a smooth morning with a good breakfast and timely departure for the exam center. Double-check necessary items like pencils, erasers, and any allowed stationery. Most importantly, help your child stay calm and confident.

10. Post Exam:

Once the exam is over, appreciate your child’s hard work and dedication, regardless of how they feel they performed. Remember, exams are just one way of assessing ability, and there’s always more to a child than just their test results.


The 11+ exam can initially seem daunting, but with the right strategies, resources, and mindset, your child can approach it with confidence. Remember, the key is in consistent preparation, understanding the exam format, and ensuring a balanced approach to learning. With this guide, you’re now equipped with the tools and knowledge for a successful 11+ journey. Best of luck!


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