Print Test
Practice better & Score higher
For the sake of the students, we design practice exam papers which will be helpful to both private tutors and parents to guide the students for 11 Plus exam. Our well-curated practice Print 11 Plus exam papers are for students of 10-12 years of age who are preparing to take admission in Independent School and Grammar School.
They are exactly the copy of the original exam papers so that parents can conduct their practice exam time within the given time constraints. Our practice exam paper is updated yearly so that we can match as per the latest question patterns with modified syllabus.
Our study material ensures that full syllabus of the exam gets covered under it. We offer PDF format question which can be downloaded at free of cost. Even, if you want you are allowed to print them to obtain its hard copy as well. We are complied with the curriculum of the specific boards that conduct this examination every year at different regions of the country.
Our practice question papers are there for every subject of the exam including Mocks, Independent Schools, Non-Verbal Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, English and Mathematics. Also we cover each subject elaborately to cover every chapter and topic as mentioned in the syllabus. Apart from online practice papers, we thrive to conduct Mocks at certain regions of the country.
At that time, we update the information on our website stating to opening our tuition centre. We do so to give the students a real exam-like feeling so that they can be mentally prepared in tricks to deal with anxiety, nerves and palpitation during original exam. Our Mocks are also conducted for both Independent School and Grammar School admission.
Along with our online practice exam papers we provide some useful links too. These links are of the question papers of the last few years. This can benefit the students in narrowing down their choice while taking preparations.
We deliver print 11 plus answer paper for the last few years so that your kids can familiarise and accelerate the speed and accuracy in problem-solving. It also lets them know whether they are attempting it in right way or not!
Previous paper providers
As it is impossible to find out real previous years’ papers, here we discuss what you should expect from sample question papers for practice.
- Independent School 11 Plus papers - It publishes the previous years’ papers only for English and Math by the respective schools. In fact, we have many such in our site as well. Now ISEB, GL or CEM selection is entirely depended on the location of the school which varies Non-Verbal Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning from an area to another.
- CEM 11 Plus papers - It neither publishes previous years’ papers not sample papers. Only you can obtain the sample of some interviewing questions which most of the time seem irrelevant.
- GL 11 Plus papers - It is applicable only in Kent and for taking admissions in individual schools. Instead of publishing previous years’ papers it shares sample papers.
You can also go through our service page to check your nearby area where we are going to organise Mock tests. Otherwise free downloads will be available on our site as per board-based practice papers. Also, we offer a free 5 minutes and 10 minutes online test as well.
We charge a minimal fee for an extensive online practice exam. But you can print the question paper too after download to practice at your home making a real examination-hall like environment. Often the tutors and parents can conduct the test to check the preparation of their children. Remember we only use online method for conducting the test with the facility of download and print test.
For online attempt, we will check your answer and show you the result within 2-3 days. Otherwise, we also offer the question papers attached with answers for better understanding of the students, tutors and guardians.
We always follow latest exam patterns to serve you with closest exam experience much before the original exam. Ensure that you choose a close location near your home and accordingly make your kids to prepare for the exam. Our top experts are there to assist you!
Reach us now for your query!